Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blog 22: Mentorship


· Log of specific hours with a total and a description of your duties updated on the right hand side of your blog
(This is seen on my blog)

· Traci Johnson- E.J. Marshall Elementary School

What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?

The most important thing that I gained from my Senior Project was learning how to work for others and not just for myself. When I was put in charge of a class or lesson it was really my responsibility to help others learn without trying to assume they knew the obvious. I had to learn that it didn't matter how easy the topic was, I had to repeat how to get an answer multiple times without getting frustrated. I really learned to work for others because all the lessons I prepared were for students of a way younger age so I new I wouldn't benefit as much as they did.

How has what you’ve done helped you to answer your EQ? Please explain.

I think what I've done helped me answer my EQ because I made sure to back up my research as well as asked about my researched when I had time with my mentor. I also implemented all the techniques I thought were useful from my research in a real class setting to see which worked, if they proved to be successful they were turned into my answers if there was enough evidence to support them. Nothing I did in my time there was done without a further explanation, I always asked my mentor why other authors and experts had strong opinions about topics, she would help explain why as well as show me in class how all those methods worked.

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