Based on what you have done for your senior project so far, answer the following questions (be specific and use examples).
1. Mentorship question: Describe your experience in how you found your mentorship? If you haven't found one yet, describe your experience so far in the search of a mentor.
Finding my mentor right when school started was hard at first because I was trying to decide whether or not to change my topic from law to education. Finding my summer mentor was really easy because Ramiro Cisneros is Jessica Castillo's uncle and I've known her since freshman year and because the mentorship location was very close to my home. Once I went back to school the hard part was deciding if I wanted to do education in the public system or the private system. I ended up going public to be able to chart the changes from standards to Common Core. After I established what I wanted my topic to be finding a mentor was easy because every so often I go back to help my third grade teachers and they gladly took me in to shadow their work.
2. Research question: What has been your most important article you have read so far and why?
I think that there have been two articles that have been very important to my topic. The first was called
Don't Teach To The Test and it talked about how the standards were implemented as well as showed that one of the main causes was the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). It was said that teachers shouldn't be teaching to the test because it takes away from any other subject that isn't Math or English/Reading. The second article gave me all the background on how, when, and why the NCLB was started. It was called
No Child Left Behind: Just The Tip of The Iceberg. It gave me a thorough history on the standardized testing and why it didn't work in most cases. I think these are very helpful now and will be later on because they will both help me show a transition from the California K-12 Standards to the Common Core standards.